Sunday, January 29, 2017

Black and white Paradise cake

Hi to everybody, I'll show you a nice Italian recipe I had found 2 weeks ago on Facebook: it's a cake made with mascarpone and ricotta cheese, mixed with sugar powder, but this is only a part of the filling: you also need biscuits and butter... and Nutella.

Ingredients and instructions:
- 500 gr biscuits
- 500 gr mascarpone
- 170 gr butter
- 500 gr ricotta cheese
- 150 gr sugar powder
-  50 gr dark chocolate drops

1- Break biscuits into crumbles and add the (already melted) butter, mixing till it get homogeneous, so that can be placed on a tray (only use 2/3 of this mixture and save 1/3 of it for later) and be the first layer of the cake. Put it in the fridge while preparing the filling.
2- mix in a bowl the mascarpone, ricotta cheese and powdered sugar. When it's well mixed, add in the chocolate drops. Put also this bowl in the fridge and wait for 45 minutes.
3- take out of the fridge both mixtures and on the biscuit layer purr in the filling prepared before.
4- Spread well the "cream" and when it is smooth on the top, put all the 1/3 of crumbles we left on the top of the cake, to cover it all. Put it in the fridge and leave it in for 3 h at least.
Enjoy and comment 😊👌🏻😁