Sunday, June 5, 2016

Pogača - Savory Balkan bread *_*

Hello! Since I moved and I'm living with other people, I don't have much time/space to bake or cook. I'm looking forward to come back home, in July, to start again with my lovely routine, spending time with my family... and cooking and baking of course!
So, as I have no recipies to add or new pics to post right now, I'd like to let you know this bread, very popular all over the balkan area, Pogača. This is my favourite recipe and I really love it! That's why it deserves a special post! (You can also find my complete recipies' album HERE)
I don't remember what was the website where I read for the first time the recipe, I just remember it was in Romanian, but I'm going to write the recipe I follow. I really suggest you to try it, especially if you like new tastes... You can't find something like this, tasty like this... in any bakery... unless you live in Balkans of course! So, if you're keen on baking, try this, and don't worry about the shape, there are million of tutorials on Yourube, just find the shape you love and follow it! Let me know how your Pogača came out, I'm available for suggestions :)

- 7-8 glasses of flour (better pasrty flour, or soft flour)
- 1 glass olive oil
- 3 spoons sugar
- 1/2 spoon salt
- 450 ml milk
- 2 eggs
- yeast (dried or not, it's up to you, important is that is not cake yeast!)
  1. First, put aside 1 yolk, you'll need it later :)
  2. 2) Mix in a large bowl warm milk, salt, sugar, dried yeast, olive oil, the eggs (1 half and 1 whole).
  3. Mix everything with a spoon, then start to add the flour, cup by cup, mixing continuously (in order to avoid lumps).
  4. Knead for 10 minutes, vigorously; then leave the dough inside the bowl ( or on a tray on the baking paper), and cover with the film paper. Leave the bowl in a warm place for 1:00-1:15h ( I usually put the bowl inside the oven OFF of course).
  5. If the dough has doubled in volume, split it in small balls and create your breadshape, putting them on a baking form.
  6. Leave the form in a warm place for 20 mins; in the meanwhile prepare the egg (the yolk) and some spices/seeds: you're going to personalize your Pogača, take what you think is going to be nice on it, just don't be too messy! Usually they put poppy or sesam seeds. (Once I remember I used a sprinkle of black pepper with poppy and pinoli seeds, and it was great!)
  7. Spread the yolk on the bread top surface, and add seeds/spices.
  8. Reheat the oven at 180° C: bake until is golden-brown. (Personally I like a soft crust, so I just wait till golden:) )
Please, let me know if you tried to do it, and how was, did you like it?
I'm waiting for your comments and pics:)))

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